Press Release for The Khe Sanh Peace Garden
Press Release for The Khe Sanh Peace Garden
CONTACT: Tinh Mahoney tinh.mahoney@gmail.com
Vietnamese-American filmmaker Tinh Mahoney’s award-winning documentary “The Khe Sanh Peace Garden” is A touching and hopeful film about a medevac helicopter pilot who found peace within himself and with his mortal enemies when he tried to build a peace garden at the Khe Sanh Combat Base where he was stationed during the VietNam war.
The documentary has earned multiple best documentary short and best score awards in film festivals in the United States, Japan, Italy, Thailand, India, the United Kingdom, and beyond. Playing more like a tone poem than a traditional documentary, Mahoney’s artful film depicts “how something so beautiful can rise from the ashes of such horrible events,” wrote judges at the Beloit International Film Festival.
A child of war, Mr. Mahoney grew up in Vietnam amid “The American War,” as the Vietnamese call it. As a teenager, he with his family found refuge in Pakistan, the Philippines, and ultimately the United States, where he studied with the legendary guitarist John Fahey, his guitar mentor and producer of his first recording.
Along the way Mr. Mahoney began his work in film, producing his first in 2003, “7,500 Miles To Redemption,” which documents how Mr. Mahoney’s volunteer work with Asian Americans inside the Oregon State Penitentiary led to the foundation and funding of a string of schools being built in Vietnam. Since then, he has produced, directed, and performed in over a dozen films.
Mr. Mahoney currently resides in Phan Thiet, Vietnam, where he continues his work as a filmmaker and educator.
EDITORS: Currently residing in Vietnam, Tinh Mahoney (www.tinhmahoney.com)
is available for online interviews. He can be reached at tinh.mahoney@gmail.com
